Common names of mononuclear oxoacid anions

This table contains the acceptable common names of mononuclear oxoacid anions as recommended in the Red Book [1] and their equivalents in German, Spanish and Russian. The first column contains formal oxidation states (FOS) of central atoms. The acceptable common names of corresponding oxoacids are listed here.

FOS Structural
English German Spanish Russian
III [AsO3]3− arsenite; arsorite Arsenit arsenito арсенит
V [AsO4]3− arsenate; arsorate Arsenat arsenato арсенат
III [BO3]3− borate Borat borato борат
I [BrO] hypobromite Hypobromit hipobromito гипобромит
III [BrO2] bromite Bromit bromito бромит
V [BrO3] bromate Bromat bromato бромат
VII [BrO4] perbromate Perbromat perbromato пербромат
IV [CO3]2− carbonate Carbonat; Karbonat carbonato карбонат
I [ClO] hypochlorite Hypochlorit hipoclorito гипохлорит
III [ClO2] chlorite Chlorit clorito хлорит
V [ClO3] chlorate Chlorat clorato хлорат
VII [ClO4] perchlorate Perchlorat perclorato перхлорат
I [IO] hypoiodite Hypoiodit hipoyodito гипоиодит
III [IO2] iodite Iodit yodito иодит
V [IO3] iodate Iodate yodato иодат
VII [IO4] periodate Periodat peryodato периодат
VII [IO6]5− orthoperiodate Orthoperiodat ortoperyodato ортопериодат
III [NO2] nitrite Nitrit nitrito нитрит
V [NO3] nitrate Nitrat nitrato нитрат
III [PO3]3− phosphite Phosphit fosfito фосфит
V [PO4]3− phosphate Phosphat fosfato фосфат
IV [SO3]2− sulfite Sulfit sulfito сульфит
VI [SO4]2− sulfate Sulfat sulfato сульфат
III [SbO3]3− antimonite* Antimonit antimonito антимонит
V [SbO4]3− antimonate Antimonat antimonato антимонат
IV [SeO3]2− selenite Selenit selenito селенит
VI [SeO4]2− selenate Selenat selenato селенат
IV [SiO4]4− silicate Silicat; Silikat silicato силикат
IV [TeO3]2− tellurite Tellurit telurito теллурит
VI [TeO4]2− tellurate Tellurat telurato теллурат
VI [TeO6]6− orthotellurate Orthotellurat ortotelurato ортотеллурат

* Antimonite is an alternative name of stibnite, a mineral composed of antimony sulfide Sb2S3.
Selenite is also a mineral, a variety of gypsum CaSO4·2H2O.
Tellurite is also a mineral composed of tellurium dioxide TeO2.


  1. Connelly, N.G., Hartshorn R.M., Damhus, T. and Hutton, A.T. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry: IUPAC Recommendations 2005. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2005, pp. 127—132, Table IR-8.1.

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