Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Royal Society of Chemistry News

By some amazing coincidence, the same day as I have resuscitated this blog, the Royal Society of Chemistry has published the first issue of Metallomics, “a new journal covering the research fields related to biometals”. Good news is that the first issue is free. Check the “enhanced HTML articles” (for instance, this one) which provide “chemical ontology terms” which are nothing else but ChEBI ontology terms, with links to ChEBI.

On a lighter, but still metal-related note, the article on RSC blog entitled Gold saved! lists a winner and four more solutions to “The Italian Job problem”. Cool.


Tamara Kulikova said...

gangs should use crowdsoursing in finding solutions ;)

Kirill said...

Oops, the first issue of Metallomics is not free anymore...